our actions

…Through a combination of tactics ranging from direct action, mutual aid, civic engagement, education, and more, we are building a movement of young people … to fight the climate crisis…


Direct action

Climate protest in Tempe
Community event in Phoenix
Annabel speaking at a protest

Direct action is community events, including climate protests, strikes, and celebrations

past projects include climate school strikes and a youth climate summit.

Mutual Aid 

Mutual Aid is one way of addressing the “justice” aspect of climate justice. marginalized communities are facing the harshest effects of the climate crisis. We raise money to provide materials and essentials for those in need.

Past projects include raising money to purchase essentials for the White Mountain apache tribe, who were negatively impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic in the summer of 2020.

Civic engagement

Youth writing letters to Phoenix Council Members
Organizers at the Capitol
AZYCC Organizers at Environmental Day at the Capitol

Civic engagement is policy work, letter writing, lobbying, and voter registration.

Past projects include:

  • voter registration at our events

  • successful lobbying of local, state, and federal government officials

  • letter writing to local, state, and federal officials

  • community partner in the creation of the City of Tucson’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan

  • gave input in the creation of the city of tempe’s climate action and adaptation plan


Education is the first step to climate action.

past projects include tabling at events, community dialogues on the city of tucson’s climate action and adaptation plan, and youth education and involvement through school clubs.

Tabling at an event

Organizing doesn’t have to stop there!

join AZYCC to decide how you want to make an impact